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Public Hearing Keeping of Fowl Ordinance


 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT that a public hearing will be held before the Planning Commission, Town of Wausau, Mara.Co.,Wi. on Wednesday, the 3rd day of February, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. at the Tn. of Wausau Municipal Building, 161484 Cty. Rd. Z, Wausau, WI. 54403, to hear and act upon a request for an ordinance in Town of Wausau Zoning Code Sec.17.26 re: Keeping of Fowl in R-1 Residential District and AT 1/40 Transitional Ag District. The ordinance is listed below:

Sec. 17.26 Keeping of fowl in R-1/20 Residential District and AT-1/40-Transition District

Purpose. The purpose and intent of this section is to provide standards that apply to the keeping of fowl in residential or agricultural transition districts. The standards are designed to ensure that the keeping of fowl is done in a responsible manner that protects the public health, safety and welfare and avoids conflicts with neighboring uses.


Fowl. Fowl are permitted under this section and are specifically limited to chickens, ducks, pigeons, or other similar fowl. Geese are prohibited.

Chicken Run:  A chicken run is located outside of the coop and is a fenced-in space that allows the chickens to roam. Chicken runs keep the chickens safe from most daytime predators and are contained in the resident’s yard. Most runs are attached to the coop, and a small pop door opens to allow the chickens to come and go as they please between the coop and the run.

Chicken Coop:  A chicken coop is a house for chickens. The chicken coop contains nesting boxes and roosts and can be completely closed at night to protect the chickens from nocturnal predators.

  1. Use in R-1/20 Resident District and AT-1/40 Transition Ag District
    1. Only a total of four fowl at one time are allowed in the R-1/20 Resident District.
    2. Only a total of ten fowl at one time are allowed in the AT-1.40 Transition Ag District.
    3. Lots larger than 80,001 square feet in the AT-1/40 Transition Ag District must meet the animal unit’s definition in the Town of Wausau Zoning Ordinance.
    4. Roosters and geese are prohibited in the R-1/20 Resident District.
    5. Renters are not allowed to have chickens in the R-1/20 Resident District.
    6. Slaughter of chickens is allowed if the remains are properly disposed.
    7. Between sunrise and sunset, fowl may be allowed outside of the coop if they are in a fenced area.
    8. Fowl must be secured within the coop between sunset and sunrise.
    9. Commercial activity related to the keeping of chickens is prohibited, including fertilizer production and the sale of eggs.
    10. All food supplies maintained for the fowl must be kept in a secure and rodent-proof container.
    11. All fencing standards in Section 17.15 shall apply.
  1. Accessory Building:
    1. Chickens may only be kept in a chicken coop.
    2. The chicken coop shall only be located within the rear yard of the premises.
    3. A chicken coop must meet the zoning district setbacks.
    4. A chicken coop shall be large enough to provide at least three-square feet per chicken.
    5. Chicken coops shall be constructed in a workmanlike manner, be moisture-resistant, and either raised up off the ground or placed on a hard surface such as concrete, patio block, or gravel.
    6. A zoning permit shall be required prior to the erection, placement, or construction of a chicken coop.
    7. A portable chicken coop does not require a Zoning Permit.
    8. Chicken coops must include adequate ventilation, adequate sun, adequate shade, and adequate protection from adverse weather.
  1. Waste:
    1. All waste generated by the chickens/fowl shall be disposed of in a sanitary manner or composted according to best practices.
    2. Waste disposal standards are defined in Article 1, Public Nuisances, Section 42.

Dated this 10th day of January, 2025                                    Sharon Hunter, Town of Wausau Supervisor