THE TOWN OF WAUSAU will be accepting separate sealed bids for the following work on Mercedes Rd from Colonial Rd to Cloverbelt Rd (approximately 11,400 feet). All work shall meet Wisconsin DOT Specifications, and it is a TRID funded project.
- Price per ton state approved 1-1/4” crushed road base, hauled and spread, to Mercedes Rd from Colonial Rd to Cloverbelt Rd. Before pulverizing. Approximately 5,800 tons. Road base is to meet current DOT state specifications for road base testing.
- Price to pulverize existing asphalt, compact with sheep foot roller, grade, compact with sheep foot roller, grade again, and compact with smooth vibratory roller. Approximately 11,500 feet Mercedes Rd from Colonial Rd to Cloverbelt Rd in the Town of Wausau.
- Total price per ton for the following, fine grade, water, roll base course. Pave with hot mix asphalt binder base course compacted to a minimum thickness of 1-1/2” x 22’. Pre-spray with tack before finish coat.
Finish coat warm mix blacktop compacted to a minimum thickness of 1-1/2” x 22’, on Mercedes Rd from Colonial Rd to Cloverbelt Rd, (approximately 11,500 feet). Black top is to have a 10-year engineers letter for warranty and quality.
NOTE: The above bid is submitted as a LRIP TRID funded project. Please mark the outside of your sealed bids to reflect which numbers you are bidding. Please include all warranty papers at time of bid submission. Billing of accepted bids must be completed per bid specifications, as listed with coordinating number(s). Questions should be addressed to Jim Borelli at 715-803-8282. Bids may delivered to Town of Wausau, 161484 CTY. RD. Z, Wausau, WI. 54403. Sealed bids will be accepted until 7:00 PM on April 7, 2025 at the town of Wausau Municipal Building, 161484 CTY RD Z, Wausau, WI. 54403. Sealed bids will be publically opened and read aloud. The Town of Wausau reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids.
Jim Borelli, Road Maintenance Supervisor