THE TOWN OF WAUSAU will be accepting separate sealed bids for the following:
1.) Price per pound, per state specs. Rubberized crack sealant installed. All cracks to be ¾” routed, cleaned, sealed, and papered. List of cracks sealing will be provided at a later date.
2.) Price per yd. screened granite hauled to town stockpile from town pit in Rib Mountain.
3.) Price per yd. screened granite (Minimum of 5 trucks) hauled from the Town of Wausau granite pit in Rib Mountain, delivered anywhere in the Town of Wausau.
4.) Price per yard of screened granite hauled from pit of bidder’s choice to Town of Wausau stockpile.
5.) Price per yard of screened granite hauled anywhere in the Town of Wausau, from pit of bidder’s choice.
6.) Price per mile 22 ft. of slag seal coat, patching and crack filling. Include the cost to sweep/vacuum excess material, and haul to the Town of Wausau Municipal Center for storage.
7.) Price per mile 22ft. patching and crack sealing, with single coat chip seal. Include the cost to sweep/vacuum excess material, and haul to the Town of Wausau Municipal Center for storage.
8.) Price per mile 22ft. patching and crack sealing, with double chip seal applied. Include the cost to sweep/vacuum excess material, and haul to the Town of Wausau Municipal Center.
9.) Price per mile of 22’ width of double chip seal over gravel or granite.
10.) Price per ton of blacktop wedge patch. Applied to roads in the Town of Wausau.
11.) Price per yard state approved 1-1/4” road base, hauled to McIntosh Rd. From 25th street west to 17th street. This project is an attempt to do, please contact Jim to discuss. Road base is to meet current DOT state specifications for road base testing.
12.) Price per ton of 3” Rip Rock.
13.) Price per ton of ¾” clear stone.
14.) Price per ton of 1-1/2” Road Base.
15.) Price per mile to pulverize, compact with sheep foot roller, grade, base course added by Town of Wausau, compact with sheep foot roller, grade again, and compact with sheep foot vibratory roller. McIntosh Rd. from 25th street to 17th street In the Town of Wausau. This project is an attempt to do, please contact Jim to discuss.
16.) Total price per ton for the following, fine grade, water, roll base course. Pave with hot mix asphalt binder base course compacted to a minimum thickness of 1-1/2” x 22’. Pre-spray with tack before finish coat.
Finish coat hot mix blacktop compacted to a minimum thickness of 1-1/2” x 22’, on McIntosh Rd. from 25th street. to 17th street. This project is an attempt to do, please contact Jim to discuss.
17.) Price per ton of blacktop.
18.) Price to Pulverize only, price per mile.
19.) Price per mile of crack sealing and application of GSB 88 coating.
NOTE: Please mark the outside of your sealed bids to reflect which numbers you are bidding. Please include all warranty papers at time of bid submission. Blacktop will need an engineer’s 10-year approval certificate. Billing of accepted bids must be completed per bid specifications, as listed with coordinating number(s). Questions should be addressed to Jim Borelli at 715-803-8282. Bids may be mailed to Town of Wausau, 161484 CTY RD Z, Wausau, WI. 54403. Sealed bids will be accepted until 7:00 PM on April 7, 2025, at the Town of Wausau Municipal Building, 161484 CTY RD Z, Wausau, WI. 54403. Sealed bids will be publically opened and read aloud. The Town of Wausau reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids.
Jim Borelli, Road Maintenance Supervisor